
Once you become a member of our wonderful community, you will have the ability to get all of your questions answered, and any of your photos and videos analyzed and critiqued. Each time you submit something it's just like having a mini private lesson!

You will also be able to learn from other members questions and critiques. In fact, you will be amazed at how many others' problems are similar to your own, and how much you will learn by just reading the answers to their problems and the ensuing discussions!

You may use your name for submissions, or be totally anonymous - it's up to you. You may even request that your photos and videos get critiqued privately without being posted on the website. And you may also request a consultation by phone if you would rather talk in person!

Once your question has been answered, or photo critiqued, you may ask for more clarification, or discuss further until you are totally satisfied with your answers. Then come back later with an update, after giving it a try with your horse, and have more helpful discussion on the subject!

You may post helpful or encouraging comments on anyone's posts. Negative comments will not be allowed, and will be deleted.

"Lesley's Corner" is a series of articles and discussions on various topics. Once again, this is a uniquely personalized feature. As you may request topics, ask for clarification about any part of an article, or ask how to apply it to your own riding. Where else can you read a book or an article and ask the author to help with your specific issues on the topic?

We will also, from time to time, be posting interesting photos and videos for discussion amongst members, which is a great way to educate and develop your eye and your understanding of techniques. The learning possibilities are endless!

Members can create a profile for themselves and chat amongst each other in the forums. Discuss your eventing plans and cheer each other on!

And members also receive free classifieds listings!

Look for more improvements as we continue to grow! And feel free to make suggestions!

All for the incredibly low price of $24.95 a month! Just 83 cents a day!

That's less than half the price of ONE average priced lesson from a top level professional. For a whole MONTH of coaching!

Unless you are regularly with your trainer all day, every day, there is no where else that you will find this amount of comprehensive, individualized attention and education!

Absolutely essential for those of you who live in areas where top quality instruction is hard to come by, or requires long distance traveling, making regular lessons difficult.

And it is a great complement for those of you who are lucky enough to have a good trainer, but might not be able to afford as many lessons as you'd like. Use us as an interactive sounding board for "in between lesson" times.

Also makes it easy to continue your education during times of inclement weather! Rain, sleet, snow, extreme heat or problem! You can still be productive!

Act now to take advantage of the FREE two week trial, and you may cancel your subscription at any time.

What are you waiting for? Become a part of our team today!


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