Use the "As If" Principle to Improve Your Riding




Your mind is a powerful tool! Did you know that acting as if we already have a particular quality will help us to produce it? While not always true of course (after all, I have been "acting" as if I am a mulit millionaire lately... and that does not seem to be coming true...), it has been scientifically proven to be true in many circumstances! 

This is from the book, "The As If Principle" by Dr. Richard Wiseman:

“Common sense suggests that the chain of causation is:
You feel happy — You smile
You feel afraid — You run away

 The As If theory suggests that the opposite is also true:
You smile — You feel happy
You run away — You feel afraid”

He goes on to show mulitiple scientific examples of how acting "as if" we feel an emotion actually produces physiciological changes in our bodies. It's about using positive action, rather than simply positive thinking. Here are a few cool examples: