Does Your Horse Try to Pull You Out of the Saddle?

It's a fairly common scenario... the horse pulling on the rider to the point that they lose the depth of their seat to some degree. Maybe they even get pulled completely out of the saddle! Not only do riders lose the strength and security of their seat when this happens - but the worst part of this situation is that riders are then often tempted to pull against their horse, which entices the horse into a game of tug of war.
Once the rider begins to pull on their horse's mouth, the horse will almost always respond by pulling even harder. And this vicious circle can continue to the point where the horse's mouth becomes virtually unresponsive. To put a stop to this cycle before it can begin, the rider must know how to properly handle the situation when their horse begins to pull on them. (Click on Article Title above (in blue) to read full article)
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