Tip/Quote of the Day!

Watch this page daily for quick handy tips and quotes, some of which are from our loyal members and fans!


All unattributed quotes on this page are quotes from Lesley Stevenson.


If you would like to contribute, email your tip to: admin@myvirtualeventingcoach.com.

Click on each Tip/Quote Title to make comments.

Recent Entries

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4247

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4246

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4245

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4244

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4243

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4242

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4241

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4240

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4239

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4238

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4237

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4236

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4235

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4234

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4233

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4232

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4231

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4230

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4229

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4228

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4227

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4226

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4225

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4224

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4223

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4222

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4221

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Tip/Quote of the Day # 4219

Tip/Quote of the Day # 4218

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