Recent Articles in Educational Discussions

Discussion # 27: What do you think of this working canter?
Discussion # 26: This rider is showing us an exaggerated release over this jump.
Video Discussion # 33: Let's watch this rider doing a gymnastic line with canter poles.
Discussion # 25: What causes horses to knock down rails behind when jumping?
Discussion # 24: How should you ride this Prelim water complex?
Video Discussion # 32: Let's watch this rider use an exercise that can help with horses that rush jumps.
Video Discussion # 31: Let's watch this rider's dressage lesson.
Quiz # 9: Rule Quiz!
Discussion # 23: Which picture shows a better trot stretch?
Video Discussion # 30: This is a *great* exercise to work on the quality of flying changes!
Video Discussion # 29: Fun exercise with a line of cavaletti!
Video Discussion # 28: Let's watch this novice rider taking various jumping lessons.
Quiz # 8: Who can tell us the difference between lengthened gaits and medium gaits?
Discussion # 22: Which is a better extended trot?
Discussion # 21: Which rider has a more secure and balanced position dropping into water?
Video Discussion # 27: This is a good lesson to watch!
Quiz # 7: Quick quiz! Which lead is this horse about to land on?
Discussion # 20: Let's discuss the phrase "Bend your horse to make him straight".
Video Discussion # 26: What caused this refusal?
Discussion # 19: Let's discuss the infamous fence 9 at this years Rolex 3 Day Event!
Discussion # 17: Let's compare these two jumping horses and their riders.
Video Discussion # 25: Training level test 3 Dressage test with scores and commentary from the great Bill Woods!
Quiz # 6: Rule quiz!
Discussion # 18: What does this rider need to work on?
Video Discussion # 24: Fun video to watch with great horses and riders doing extensive gridwork with some big jumps!
Video discussion # 23: Tips from Sally O'Connor on improving the canter!
Discussion # 16: Which of these working trots is better than the other and why?
Video Discussion # 22: Jumper round with rail down.
Video Discussion # 21: Jumping with placing poles
Quiz # 5: Rule quiz!
Quiz # 4: Rule quiz!
Video Discussion # 20: Let's discuss this jumper round!
Video discussion # 19: Another dressage test with scores and comments!
Quiz # 3: Rule quiz!
Video Discussion # 18: Let's watch this video of Steffen Peters warming up at the World Dressage Masters!
Video Discussion # 17: Here is another video of the great Andrew Hoy!
Quiz # 2: Here is a quick and simple quiz for you!
Video Discussion # 16: Let's watch the great Nick Skelton jump 7 feet 7.3 inches!
Video Discussion # 15: Is this horse a leg mover or a back mover?
Discussion # 15: Which of these two jumping photos show a better balanced horse?
Discussion # 14: Rule quiz!
Conformation Discussion # 4
Video Discussion # 14: Let's watch this dressage rider get a lesson in how to utilize transitions to get the horse to be more active in its hind legs.
Video discussion # 13: This video is one of the best examples of correct, classical dressage schooling that I have found!
Video Discussion # 12: Short video clip of part of a lesson with the great Bill Woods!
Video Discussion # 11: Is this horse a leg mover or a back mover?
Conformation Discussion # 3
Video Discussion # 10: Lets watch this video of a rider doing a Prix St. George dressage test, with commentary from the great Bill Woods!
Discussion # 13: Here is another quote from Jimmy Wofford on improving your riding:
Discussion # 12: Lets further discuss the difference between speed and impulsion:
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