Recent Articles in Educational Discussions

Discussion # 52: How does the horse know which of these two responses you are looking for?
Discussion # 51: With most horses, canter work improves the trot. Why do you think this is so?
Video Discussion # 52: What does this Dressage rider need to work on?
Discussion # 50: When creating a connection, you should never shorten the reins before your horse is in front of your leg. Why?
Discussion # 49: What causes a horse to jump like this?
Video Discussion # 51: Wow! This near mishap was certainly "sat" very well by the rider! What do you think caused the horse to make this mistake to begin with?
Discussion # 48: How do you get your horse's attention on a fence?
Quiz # 14: How can you tell if your horse is honestly and properly connected on the outside rein?
Video Discussion # 50: Stretching exercise - stretching the horse's shoulders before a ride
Video Discussion # 49: How to ride a square halt.
Discussion # 47: Where would you jump this fence?
Video Discussion # 48: Let's discuss this video - London 2012 Olympic Show Jumping
Discussion # 46: Which of these young riders is better balanced over their jump?
Discussion # 45: Let's discuss the term "soft hands".
Video Discussion # 47: How to pull a shoe!
Discussion # 44: Your horse should learn to stay at the pace you put him in until you ask otherwise!
Quiz # 13: What causes a horse to drag its feet during the rein back?
Video Discussion # 46: William Fox Pitt and Cool Mountain WEG 2010 Dressage test
Discussion # 43: What causes horses to have front end knockdowns?
Video Discussion # 45: Using poles as a corridor.
Conformation Challenge # 6: What are the pros and cons of this horse's conformation?
Discussion # 42: What does this rider need to work on?
Discussion # 41: Which extended trot is more correct?
Video Discussion # 44: What caused this rider to slightly lose her balance on landing?
Discussion # 40: Which horse is showing a better, more uphill gallop for approaching a fence?
Video Discussion # 43: Video on improving your position over jumps with Greg Best!
Discussion # 39: What does this rider need to work on?
Video Discussion # 42: What caused this horrendous fall around 4:15?
Discussion # 38: How would you ride this fence?
Discussion # 37: Which of these two riders is in better balance?
Discussion # 36: What does this rider need to work on?
Video Discussion # 41: Let's watch this Show Jumping round with several rails down.
Conformation Challenge # 5: What are the pros and cons of this horse's conformation?
Video Discussion # 40: Let's watch this video with Tim Stockdale giving tips for riding a jumpoff round!
Video Discussion # 39: Uh oh... one stride in the two stride combination!
Quiz # 12: Rule quiz!
Discussion # 35: What is wrong with this rider's defensive position?
Discussion # 34: How would you ride this fence?
Discussion # 33: What is the difference between "ducking" and "jumping ahead"?
Video Discussion # 38: Let's watch this rider jump her horse through a small gymnastic line.
Discussion # 32: What does this rider need to work on?
Video Discussion # 37: This is an interesting exercise!
Quiz # 11: What should you do if you encounter this problem in the leg yield?
Discussion # 30: How would you ride this fence?
Quiz # 10: On which lead should you approach a left handed corner jump?
Video Discussion # 36: Walking ditches and trakehners!
Discussion # 29: Which horse shows a better quality canter/gallop for approaching a fence?
Video Discussion # 35: What caused this horse to knock the rail down at :25?
Discussion # 28: How would you ride this fence?
Video Discussion # 34: Good video discussing the half halt.
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